Town hall
The five councils of the city administration of Mannheim comprise a total of 27 departments, 4 authorities and 6 municipal enterprises. In addition, there are several holdings.
The above organisation units are defined as follows:
- Department: Organisation unit with a preferably coherent business division, that is, with responsibility for results of certain target groups and product areas. Ideally, a department is formed in such a way that the business processes for rendering services preferably run within the department which results in an object-related orientation of the structural and process organisation and avoids overlapping with other organisation units as far as possible. The size of the department is such that it is big enough with respect to the responsibility for decisions and resources in order to be able to adapt itself independently to changing internal or external requirements.
- Authority: “Classical“ form of organisation in public administration. Authorities are usually smaller than departments and often have a less process- or product-oriented structure.
- Municipal enterprise: According to the Municipal Enterprises Act, communities and administrative districts can run their commercial enterprises or other enterprises and facilities which are entirely or partly covered by fees as municipal enterprises. They have no legal capacity of their own and are managed as special assets (i.e. outside the budget of the community/administrative district). Special features are the financial (economic plan, accounting, annual financial statement) and organisational independence. The basis for activities of a municipal enterprise is its statutes; Bodies are the management, the works committee, the municipal council and the (Lord) Mayor.
- Staff positions: Are individual persons or smaller teams outside the line organisation that directly report to a management function (e.g. Lord Mayor). The main task is the support of and preliminary work for this superordinate manager, generally without having decision-making power.